Week 11: Learn about today, yesterday or tomorrow

Da jia hao,

This class, we learn how to ask a person about the today, tomorrow or yesterday.

What is yesterday?
Zuo tian

What is day for today?
Jin tian shi shen me ri zi

What day for tomorrow?
Ming tian shi shen me ri zi?

what day is yesterday?
Zuo tian shi shen me ri zi?

What year is your birthday?
Ni shi na nian chu sheng

When is your birthday?
Ni de shengri shi shenme shihou?

What is your age?
Ni ji sui?

To say age :  ............... shi ..............  (if you 20 and above)
                     shi  ...............  (if you under 20 or teen)

Example: 22y/old :  er shi er 
                11y/old :  shi yi
                12 y/old: shi er


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